Co-Founder, Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer
Laurence Moskowitz, Co-Founder, Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer of Lightbox Search, was named one of the 10 most influential public relations executives of the 20th Century by PR Week magazine. Regarded as an expert in crisis communications, issues management and strategic corporate communications, Larry founded Lumentus in 2009 after recognizing that technology and client service needs were changing how public relations, marketing and advertising firms must operate. Furthermore, Larry saw a need his technology could solve, in 2018, and created Lightbox.
A communications pioneer, Larry has leveraged emerging technologies throughout his career to provide business and professional communicators with more powerful and effective means of reaching their audiences. Prior to Lumentus, Larry founded Medialink, then the world’s largest provider of video-based media communications services to Fortune 500 companies.
As Chairman and CEO of Medialink, Larry forged strategic alliances with the Associated Press and Nielsen to create the first professional distribution network linking corporations and other organizations with television broadcasters nationwide. Medialink, which he took public, won hundreds of public relations industry awards, and was successfully merged into a successor company in 2009. Larry had previously founded a forerunner to PR Newswire and started his career as a reporter and editor.
Larry was honored with the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for communications in 1999.
Larry holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from Pennsylvania State University, where he was Kappa Tau Alpha in communications. He has lectured on public relations and online media at New York University, the BBC in London and Denmark Television in Copenhagen, NewsXchange in Barcelona and numerous professional groups around the world.