Search results ain’t what they used to be: They’re more important than ever, particularly for professional communicators. Search remains the front door to most organizations, companies, personalities, executives and even politicians. Whether on phone, tablets or desktop, people find the latest news through Google or other search engines.

AI-powered tools have shifted the focus of search from matching keywords to understanding user intent. This evolution is a game-changer for both users and professional communicators, presenting new opportunities and challenges. AI’s influence on search demands a whole new strategy and set of tactics to build websites, issue news releases and optimize content.


The Rise of AI in Search

AI has revolutionized the search industry, making it more efficient at providing users with relevant information. Traditionally, search engines relied on keyword matching — if a user entered a query, the engine would try to match those words with those on a webpage.


Google’s RankBrain, a machine learning algorithm, represents a more sophisticated approach. Rather than simply matching keywords, RankBrain works to interpret the user’s intent behind the query. It attempts to think like a human by considering factors like organic click-through rates (CTRs), dwell time, and bounce rates, refining its understanding of what users are truly seeking.


This new AI-driven search landscape means that search engines are becoming smarter at handling ambiguous or complex queries. Instead of delivering generic results, they can provide a curated list of pages that align with the user’s actual needs. This is a leap toward a more humanized search experience, but it also means that communications and SEO strategies must adapt to these changes.


Google remains by far the dominant search engine, while its competition is not Bing or DuckDuckGo, but social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and X are true rivals.


How Search Works in the AI Era

The process of delivering search results has become more complex, but the goal remains the same: provide users with relevant and useful content. Google’s AI-driven ranking systems now take into account five major factors:

  1. Meaning: AI analyzes the intent behind a user’s query and matches it with relevant content using advanced language models.
  2. Relevance: Content is evaluated for its relevance to the query, particularly based on whether it contains relevant keywords in headings or body text.
  3. Quality: Search engines prioritize content that demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).
  4. Usability: Pages that are mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and easy to use rank higher when other factors are similar.
  5. Context: Personalization based on factors such as location, search history, and user settings helps deliver tailored results.


For professional communicators, this means that understanding these ranking signals is critical to success. Optimizing for AI search goes beyond keywords — focusing on user experience, long-form content, and maintaining high engagement metrics like dwell time and CTR is key.


SEO in the Age of AI: Back to Basics

While AI adds complexity to search systems, it also brings a renewed focus on SEO fundamentals. To stay competitive, content creators should:

  • Create Emotional Titles: Titles with emotional resonance or curiosity-piquing elements (e.g., using parentheses, numbers, or brackets) can improve CTR.
  • Optimize for Medium Tail Keywords: Focusing on specific keywords that capture niche interests can help rank higher for targeted searches.
  • Use Short, Engaging Introductions: Intros should be no longer than five to 10 sentences to quickly capture the reader’s attention.
  • Prioritize User Experience: Reducing bounce rates, improving dwell time, and ensuring content is broken into digestible chunks are all vital for maintaining engagement.
  • Leverage Third-Party Profiles: Claiming profiles on third-party platforms like Wikipedia or social media can boost authority and visibility, enhancing the brand’s presence in AI search results.


AI Search – A New Era of Opportunity for Professional Communicators

AI is transforming the landscape of search, making it more personalized and efficient. While challenges exist, particularly in terms of reduced traffic to organic links and increased competition, the opportunities for content creators are vast. By embracing a strategy that prioritizes intent-driven content, user engagement, and optimization across multiple factors, businesses can thrive in this new search era.